瀏覽人次:19239    回應:39
回應 / 意見
1. Yellow Man 2012-10-26 11:13:52

Yes I agree there is still room for rising in property price, but room is little. I guess for own use it's ok, for investment, no way. That's why I am going to sell one my properties now. Thanks for your previous advice 仲達! Very helpful!

2. 亮劍 2012-10-26 11:23:41

有道失敗乃成功之母,咁請問在 1997 年初,提出海量建屋計劃算唔算失敗?

另一方面,在 2003 年初,將所有房屋及做地計劃急凍又算唔算失敗?


從上述兩個關鍵時刻政府應做或唔應做嘅例子得出教訓,97 年唔應該做嘅係增加土地供應,反而應該做嘅係收縮按揭,由其是對那些實力不足嘅上車客,或連三成首期都無又炒幾間嘅人,更應是重點針對及打擊的對象!

03 年應該係做嘅係開始計劃開闢土地,以便數年後增加各式各樣樓宇供應,而對有固定收入嘅人仕,就鼓勵他們低吸上車安居咁先係正路!

但現在 CY 完全無吸收到 97 年教訓,仲四周圍發掘土地起樓,咁幾年後當呢個樓市循環完左,請問你點收科?更加衰嘅係仲唔叫停九成按揭保險,咁同推人落火坑或接高價火棒有乜分別?我哋放眼望去,睇吓過幾年有幾多人,會因你 CY 今日這錯誤房屋政策付出代價。


3. 股友 2012-10-26 11:30:48


4. 上善若水 2012-10-26 11:35:41
要別人接火棒,必須讓別人還抱有期望,覺得安全才行。例如07年恆指衝上3萬點時,不少人期望短期內會見4萬。油價147美元一桶時,大家都預計會見200,若無幾個貌似合理的理由,怎能令人高位接火棒? 回歸基本步,邊際供求決定價格。現時及短期未來需求方主要來自用家,供應方將來自投資者獲利出售、新樓供應。投資者現時防守力甚高,低息、低借貸,但是一旦出現黑天鵝,投資者絕對不會惜貨。至於新供應,眾所週知,將會越來越多。此消彼長! 低息、低借貸率估計會較長期持續,那是否意味著期間樓價可持續上升?恐怕不會!
5. 資產主義 2012-10-26 11:51:54

6. 亮劍 2012-10-26 13:25:42





樓市失速狂跌,阿水來買樓?無買家就形成惡性循環,加埋SSD 焗人輸多啲,經濟仲唔死直、薪金仲唔大跌、失業率仲唔升到爸爸声?







7. 泡沫 2012-10-26 14:45:41

泡沫成形, 泡沫爆破, 皆因信貸.

成也按揭, 敗也按揭. [按保則火上加油]

[滙控估足價俾你; 幫你變成害你]

8. RAN 2012-10-26 15:13:18
既然沒有銀主盤,又沒有劈價沽貨??? 如果見到的話, 就己爆左啦! 氣球幾時爆? 唔爆你知咩!
9. 氣球 2012-10-26 15:56:25

銀行都估足價, 佢地咁大間, 唔通會呃人咩.  咁咪去馬囉. 真係爆煲, 咪一齊.


10. 教訓 2012-10-26 15:58:48

年輕人, 怕且你未交過學費噃.


11. 亮劍 2012-10-26 16:32:43



AIG 點反艇?唔該醒少少當幫忙!

12. 玄同 2012-10-26 17:02:57
同意 樓主所言: 股市屢見接火棒,樓市穩坐釣魚船。
13. mini 2012-10-26 19:21:15
New SSD in HK !
14. Peter Paker 2012-10-26 20:36:55
With implementations of latest SSD and 15% non-HK-resident stamp duty, I will have the following predictions:

1) Supply and circulation of 2nd hand properties will be much tightened, which will in turn drive up property prices.

Non-HK residents who are holding HK properties lose incentive to sell properties even at profits. This is because if they sold the current properties, they would be unab...
le to buy back. Circulation will be further tightened.

2) Under the record-low vacancy rate of 4.4% (i.e. insufficent supply ), the properties available for LEASE will be shrinked. I strongly believe that the rental charge will increase significantly. Every family needs a house. If a family cannot buy due to SSD & higher prices, more people will turn to rent. Given very insufficient houses in HK, competitions for rental properties by teneants will be keen and intense. Rental yields are becoming more attractive. Only the rich people are able to buy more properties and enjoy both of rental yields and capital appreciation.

Several months later, I am afraid the available rental properties will be very very scared. If the landlords refuses to renew the lease, tenants may find it very hard to find another rental properties;

3) 1st-hand properties will face fewer competitions during sales processes. Demands are strong but circulation of 2nd hand properties are locked up. I think these measures are favourable to property sales.

4) New 15% stamp duty targeting non-HK-residents is useless, because according to Centaline's statistics, purchasing force from PRC is decreasing below 15% - 18% from 30%. Recent property boost is indeed due to local HK purchasing forces. New measures are useless in detering hot market conditions.
In conclusion, these new measures cannot cool down the property market.  It will further boost up property prices (both of 1st and 2nd hand properties).
15. 回地產炒家 2012-10-26 21:08:20
peter parker 你廢話連篇,死性不改,你繼續死頂唱好都冇用,個市就算唔大跌都會小跌,唔小跌都唔會再升,你重想害人接火棒?
16. 仲達 2012-10-26 21:24:27

多謝亮劍兄及Peter Paker兄賜教。



17. 法子 2012-10-26 23:27:24




分析得幾好, reasoning is clear!

18. 仲達 2012-10-27 00:08:36




19. Peter Paker 2012-10-27 00:12:50

To: 15/F


Please note the bull property market is driven by the below factors:


1) Prolonged ultra-low interest rate environment;


2) Insufficient supply to meet strong demands from both of HK local residents and PRC mainlanders.  We have no new land supplies to alleviate the strong demands.  That's what Franklin Lam and CY said at the TVB interview (講清講楚);


Per Centaline's statistics,


Per the above paragraphs from Centaline, local HK people are the major forces to boost up HK property market.  PRC buyers are just some supplementary forces, because they just occupy around 20% of purchasing powers. 


3) Income gap between the rich and the poor, low unemployment rates, etc;


Do you think whether the new government measures do something to deal with the above fundamental factors??  If not, what do you think about the future property prices??

20. Yellow Man 2012-10-27 00:21:22
But Parker, 中原陳永傑said the property price will drop... 施永青said no effect... Do you think they are just blowing up and down signals to boost transactions? 
21. Ricky 2012-10-27 00:53:28




22. Peter Paker 2012-10-27 01:02:31

I would take Sze's views. 


Per the news, ChanWing Kit's words are to frighten landlords to sell their flats, simply because of governemnt intervention measures.  Due to SSD, property agents face very serious shortage of properties available for sales and leases, affecting property transaction volumes and agency businesses.  If he can successfully frightens the landlords, agents will have more businesses to do.  This is Chan's rationales behind his words.


Hope 仲達 to have a nice trip.  I will also go to Hokkaido for leisure. 

23. Peter Paker 2012-10-27 01:19:14

Rationales behind 15% additional stamp duty to be charged to non-HK residents:


Due to the QE3, this makes RMB to start appreciation.  Over these 1 - 2 weeks, RMB rose from 81.3 to 79.x.  It seems that the appreciation trends will commence soon.  HK government has much concerns about RMB appreciation. 


From the perspective of PRC mainlanders, RMB appreciations will make HK$ assets (e.g. properties) cheaper than before, in terms of RMB.  This may foster their desires to buy more HK$ assets.  Similar observations happened 1 year ago.  During the period of RMB appreciation from 88 to 81, this was the peak period of PRC people purchasing HK properties.  Per Centaline statistics, mainlanders occupied > 30% transactions of 1st hand properties and 20% transactions of 2nd hand properties.


Per my pure estimate, the new measure of 15% extra stamp duty is solely aiming at deterring extra purchasing power due to recent RMB appreciations.  However, I have one question.  Both of PRC and HK have strict intervention measures.  Will these purchasing power move to Macau or other neighbour areas??

24. Yellow Man 2012-10-27 07:45:12
The policy seems to have 2 sided effects: cutting the demand and at the same time cutting the supply.

I think the property price will drop slightly for a short while or at least the owners won't be so ambitious at their selling price. However, I guess the owners will be less willing to sell because there aren't many better investment alternatives in the market. The property developers will have less desire in building houses. They would rather let the land "sun bath" so supply will have pressure...

This policy affects the property agents most, and then developers. 2nd hand market price won't be affected (or just slightly) but the transaction will fall sharply. Hence, no real use in helping HK users in buying their property for living. After a while, the property price will go 乾升 again, until one day we see enough supply.
25. 回 parker 2012-10-27 08:05:14
26. TRON 2012-10-27 08:23:51
27. 80後銀行從業員 2012-10-27 10:19:13

Peter Parker

同意. 我也認為澳門樓市可以短暫受惠, 然而澳門的政策風險亦存在. 反而國內雖然積極防止熱錢流入, 但國內資金也是聰明的, 既然在香港炒樓如此困難, 倒不如回流國內. 所以國內樓市應會不俗.

人民幣升值是為大選和十八大造勢而己, 並不是一個潮流. 人民銀行中間價仍在6.30-6.305之間(兌美元). 但CNH(香港人幣市場)己炒升至6.24, 但根據過往經驗情況並不能持久, 無須此時大量買入人幣.


28. 亮劍 2012-10-27 10:22:13






29. Mortgage 2012-10-27 10:41:44

 To: 80後銀行從業員

Hold the same view as yours on CNY in short term. We should be aware of the risk in longer term once CNY is qualified to be pegged by HKD in some extent if we put a heavy bet on the currency.

To: 亮劍

Cannot agree more that the property agencies should make this piece of information more transparent.

30. 樓市港匯替死鬼 2012-10-27 10:46:35




31. Mortgage 2012-10-27 10:49:30

To: Peter Paker

I guess the SD on non-resident aimming at PEs and hedge funds which is flooding to HK since 2008, not the PRC buyers as the media interprets.

32. 亮劍 2012-10-27 10:57:01



33. Mortgage 2012-10-27 10:59:45

To 樓市港匯替死鬼:

Usually I encourage ppl who express views based on grim outcomes to have themselves to understand the whole picture. Do you really believe we would be better off (or survive) amind floating HKD? What's the factor able to support HKD in long term? Can you tell me?

34. 陳大春 2012-10-27 11:12:14



35. 中國人 2012-10-27 11:21:16




36. 中國人 2012-10-27 11:31:29



37. 盼三年 2012-10-27 11:42:37



38. 法子 2012-10-27 12:37:47


這正是典型的"頭痛醫頭"的心路歷程, 稱不上是"長遠策略".

39. mini 2012-10-27 13:06:22
9. mini2012-10-27 13:05:29

Before 1997 July 1, we could NOT experience/predict the influences from the China's accession to WTO in 2001/ 911 Attacks in New York; individual travellers/buyers from our motherland since 2003/1Q; two (2) regional /illegal wars made by the U.S.; RMB appreciations since 2005 July; extremely low interest rates proudced in advanced countries: U.S.A, U.K., Europe, Japan due to financial crisis and problems of credits freeze... Also, the by-products we can see the huge public debts, say over $15 trillion USD debts of 300 million population; over $12 trillion USD of 123 million japanese, but elderly people are more than younger ones & still living under continuous earthquakes / superstorms in future. On the other side, European are still doing some calculations how to solve the national debts / bottlenecks in the Southern Europe...

In the long term, the New SSD/BSD may let the developers to stay focus on single family detached homes for the super rich in 31 capitals of provinces, or the businessmen of SME in mainland, overseas chinese from capitals of 10 Southeast Asia countries and/ or advanced countries because our country policies will keep lifting up the wages for mainland chinese in the next 20 ~ 30 years.

The New SSD/BSD may let the market stay focus on the industrial/commercial buildings, more people may need to pay more rents for the existing buildings.